List of Top Retail Companies in United States
If you are looking for the top retail companies in USA, our company database contains massive detailed and quality business information from SIC Code 20-39. Our retail company data has over 3,761,884 business records equipped with contact info such as Business Name, Phone, Address, Website, Revenue, Employee Size, City, State, etc. Our team only provides the most recent company information to help you connect with these businesses. The data can be opened via Microsoft Excel so you can easily sort, print, export and edit the listings.
US Retail Companies Database Features:
Total Records: 3,761,884
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Below are the business categories or SIC Code 52-59 description that is included in our company data.
Auto And Home Supply Stores
Automotive Dealers, Nec Boat Dealers Book Stores Camera And Photographic Supply Stores Candy, Nut, And Confectionery Stores Catalog And Mail-Order Houses Children's And Infants' Wear Stores Computer And Software Stores Dairy Products Stores Department Stores Direct Selling Establishments Drapery And Upholstery Stores Drinking Places Drug Stores And Proprietary Stores Eating Places Family Clothing Stores Floor Covering Stores Florists Fruit And Vegetable Markets Fuel Dealers, Nec |
Fuel Oil Dealers
Furniture Stores Gasoline Service Stations Gift, Novelty, And Souvenir Shop Grocery Stores Hardware Stores Hobby, Toy, And Game Shops Household Appliance Stores Jewelry Stores Liquefied Petroleum Gas Dealers Liquor Stores Luggage And Leather Goods Stores Lumber And Other Building Materials Meat And Fish Markets Men's And Boys' Clothing Stores Merchandising Machine Operators Miscellaneous Apparel And Accessory Stores Miscellaneous Food Stores Miscellaneous General Merchandise Stores Miscellaneous Homefurnishings Miscellaneous Retail Stores, Nec |
Mobile Home Dealers
Motorcycle Dealers Musical Instrument Stores New And Used Car Dealers News Dealers And Newsstands Optical Goods Stores Paint, Glass, And Wallpaper Stores Radio, Television, And Electronic Stores Record And Prerecorded Tape Stores Recreational Vehicle Dealers Retail Bakeries Retail Nurseries And Garden Stores Sewing, Needlework, And Piece Goods Shoe Stores Sporting Goods And Bicycle Shops Stationery Stores Tobacco Stores And Stands Used Car Dealers Used Merchandise Stores Variety Stores Women's Accessory And Specialty Stores Women's Clothing Stores |
SIC Code 52-59 Retail Companies
This division comprises establishments engaged in selling product for individual or household use and rendering solutions related to the sale of the goods. Generally, retail institutions are categorized by type of business in accordance with the common trade designation, or the main lines of commodities sold. A few of the significant features of retail trade institutions are: the institution is generally a place of business and is engaged in actions to bring the public to purchase, the organization purchases or receives goods as well as sells, the institution might process its products, but such processing is accidental or subordinate to marketing, the organization is considered as retail in the commerce, and the organization sells to clients for personal or household use.
Not any of those features need be present and commerce practice modifies some. In most cases, organizations engaged in retail commerce sell products to the general public for household or personal consumption. Exceptions to this general rule are typewriter stores, paint, glass, and wallpaper stores, lumber yards, stationery stores, and gas service stations which sell to companies and to both the general public for individual or household use. These kinds of stores are classified in Retail Commerce even when a higher percentage of their sales is made to other than people for household or personal consumption. Establishments mainly engaged in selling such products as used car components, electric supplies, pipes equipment, and business furniture are categorized in Wholesale Trade, even when a higher percentage of their sales is made to people for household or personal consumption.
Purchasing of goods for resale to the customer is a feature of retail trade establishments that especially differentiates them from the extractive and agricultural sectors. For instance, farmers who sell only their very own produce at or from the stage of generation will not be classified as retailers. Processing subordinate or incidental to selling generally is conducted at stores. For instance, meals are prepared by eateries, and meat cuts. Individual establishments selling products for personal or household consumption that has been produced by other organizations of the same firm are classified in retail trade. Warehouse chain stores are considered ancillary to the retail business served and are categorized on the foundation of the action carried out on by such retail stores.
Not any of those features need be present and commerce practice modifies some. In most cases, organizations engaged in retail commerce sell products to the general public for household or personal consumption. Exceptions to this general rule are typewriter stores, paint, glass, and wallpaper stores, lumber yards, stationery stores, and gas service stations which sell to companies and to both the general public for individual or household use. These kinds of stores are classified in Retail Commerce even when a higher percentage of their sales is made to other than people for household or personal consumption. Establishments mainly engaged in selling such products as used car components, electric supplies, pipes equipment, and business furniture are categorized in Wholesale Trade, even when a higher percentage of their sales is made to people for household or personal consumption.
Purchasing of goods for resale to the customer is a feature of retail trade establishments that especially differentiates them from the extractive and agricultural sectors. For instance, farmers who sell only their very own produce at or from the stage of generation will not be classified as retailers. Processing subordinate or incidental to selling generally is conducted at stores. For instance, meals are prepared by eateries, and meat cuts. Individual establishments selling products for personal or household consumption that has been produced by other organizations of the same firm are classified in retail trade. Warehouse chain stores are considered ancillary to the retail business served and are categorized on the foundation of the action carried out on by such retail stores.