Directory Database List of Construction Companies in United States
If you are looking for the top and biggest construction companies in USA, our company database contains massive detailed and quality business information from SIC Code 15-17. Our construction company data has over 1,685,030 business records equipped with contact info such as Business Name, Phone, Address, Website, Revenue, Employee Size, City, State, etc. Our team only provides the most recent company information to help you connect with these businesses. The data can be opened via Microsoft Excel so you can easily sort, print, export and edit the listings.
By buying our contractors directory data, you will get a total of 1,685,030 entries. The data comes in the csv / xls format, with all the details you need about construction companies in USA. The data in the directory includes everything from the company’s name, telephone number, and website, mailing address, postal code and the state. With so much info, you are bound to make your company prosperous.
The best thing about it is that you can open the list of construction companies in Excel or a similar program, and then sort it in an order that suits you best. For example, you can construction companies by revenue or according to the state or the city they’re based in.
By buying our contractors directory data, you will get a total of 1,685,030 entries. The data comes in the csv / xls format, with all the details you need about construction companies in USA. The data in the directory includes everything from the company’s name, telephone number, and website, mailing address, postal code and the state. With so much info, you are bound to make your company prosperous.
The best thing about it is that you can open the list of construction companies in Excel or a similar program, and then sort it in an order that suits you best. For example, you can construction companies by revenue or according to the state or the city they’re based in.
US Construction Companies Database Features:
Total Records: 1,685,030
File Type: CSV / XLS Country: United States Delivery: Download Includes all 51 US States Database Cross Checked via:
Data Usage: Sales Leads, Telemarketing, Business Directory Creation, Prospecting, Research, Offline and Online Marketing, Partnerships and other B2b related purposes. Note: This data is included when you purchase our US Company Database. If you are interested in purchasing this database, kindly please visit our PURCHASE page. |
Database Fields(if available):
Below are the business categories or SIC Code 15-17 description that is included in our company data.
Bridge, Tunnel, And Elevated Highway Construction
Carpentry Work Concrete Work Electrical Work Excavation Work Floor Laying And Floor Work, Nec Glass And Glazing Work Heavy Construction, Nec Highway And Street Construction Industrial Buildings And Warehouses Installing Building Equipment Masonry And Other Stonework Nonresidential Construction, Nec |
Operative Builders
Painting And Paper Hanging Plastering, Drywall, And Insulation Plumbing, Heating, Air-Conditioning Residential Construction, Nec Roofing, Siding, And Sheetmetal Work Single-Family Housing Construction Special Trade Contractors, Nec Structural Steel Erection Terrazzo, Tile, Marble And Mossaic Work Water Well Drilling Water, Sewer, And Utility Lines Wrecking And Demolition Work |
How to Use the Database of Building Companies to Improve Your Business
You can make a really big success with your marketing campaign only if you have whom to send the messages to. The good news is that this directory contains a huge number of phone numbers. You can use them to promote your business successful, but this database can make a real difference if you are looking to do b2b marketing. With such a huge number of contact detail, you can use the database to pitch your offer to literary millions of companies from all over the United States.
The same is the case with telemarketing, cold calling, prospecting, marketing research, sales leads, and other marketing services. Basically, this database covers all your marketing needs when it comes to SIC code 15-17 construction companies. This includes everything from those dealing with highway construction, electrical work, roofing, plumbing, sewers, but also with things like demolition work.
The same is the case with telemarketing, cold calling, prospecting, marketing research, sales leads, and other marketing services. Basically, this database covers all your marketing needs when it comes to SIC code 15-17 construction companies. This includes everything from those dealing with highway construction, electrical work, roofing, plumbing, sewers, but also with things like demolition work.
Why Should You Purchase Our Construction Database
What makes this directory of home building contractors different to other is the fact that the data in it is completely genuine. By getting this database, you make sure that you can use all the info from it to improve your business. Unlike other lists offered online, this directory contains genuine data that is regularly updated. This means that the list will serve you well for a long time. The best thing about it is that considering the quality of data it comes with, the list is fairly affordable. In fact, this is probably the cheapest business company list with 100% genuine data that you can find at the moment.
With real contact info of real American construction companies, you will be able to get in touch with the people that matter, that is, those who have the authority to make business decisions. This database will help you get in contact with them, after which, it’s up to you to clinch the deal! The best thing is that it won’t be too hard. If you make your business known to over 1.5 million companies, the chances are high that you some of them will be interested in the service or the product you have to offer.
With real contact info of real American construction companies, you will be able to get in touch with the people that matter, that is, those who have the authority to make business decisions. This database will help you get in contact with them, after which, it’s up to you to clinch the deal! The best thing is that it won’t be too hard. If you make your business known to over 1.5 million companies, the chances are high that you some of them will be interested in the service or the product you have to offer.