List of Top Wholesale Companies in United States
If you are looking for list of wholesale companies in USA, our company database contains massive detailed and quality business information from SIC Code 50-51. Our wholesale company data has over 1,028,774 business records equipped with contact info such as Business Name, Phone, Address, Website, Revenue, Employee Size, City, State, etc. Our team only provides the most recent company information to help you connect with these businesses. The data can be opened via Microsoft Excel so you can easily sort, print, export and edit the listings.
US Wholesale Companies Database Features:
Total Records: 1,028,774
File Type: CSV / XLS Country: United States Delivery: Download Includes all 51 US States Database Cross Checked via:
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Below are the business categories or SIC Code 50-51 description that is included in our company data.
Automobiles And Other Motor Vehicles
Beer And Ale Books, Periodicals, And Newspapers Brick, Stone, And Related Material Chemicals And Allied Products, Nec Coal And Other Minerals And Ores Commercial Equipment, Nec Computers, Peripherals, And Software Confectionery Construction And Mining Machinery Construction Materials, Nec Dairy Products, Except Dried Or Canned Drugs, Proprietaries, And Sundries Durable Goods, Nec Electrical Apparatus And Equipment Electrical Appliances, Television And Radio Electronic Parts And Equipment, Nec Farm And Garden Machinery Farm Supplies Farm-Product Raw Materials, Nec Fish And Seafoods Flowers And Florists Supplies Footwear |
Fresh Fruits And Vegetables
Furniture Grain And Field Beans Groceries And Related Products, Nec Groceries, General Line Hardware Homefurnishings Industrial And Personal Service Paper Industrial Machinery And Equipment Industrial Supplies Jewelry And Precious Stones Livestock Lumber, Plywood, And Millwork Meats And Meat Products Medical And Hospital Equipment Men's And Boy's Clothing Metals Service Centers And Offices Motor Vehicle Parts, Used Motor Vehicle Supplies And New Parts Nondurable Goods, Nec Office Equipment Ophthalmic Goods Packaged Frozen Goods |
Paints, Varnishes, And Supplies
Petroleum Bulk Stations And Terminals Petroleum Product Wholesalers,Except Bulk Stations/Terminals Photographic Equipment And Supplies Piece Goods And Notions Plastics Materials And Basic Shapes Plumbing And Hydronic Heating Supplies Poultry And Poultry Products Printing And Writing Paper Professional Equipment, Nec Refrigeration Equipment And Supplies Roofing, Siding, And Insulation Scrap And Waste Materials Service Establishment Equipment Sporting And Recreation Goods Stationery And Office Supplies Tires And Tubes Tobacco And Tobacco Products Toys And Hobby Goods And Supplies Transportation Equipment And Supplies Warm Air Heating And Air Conditioning Wine And Distilled Beverages Women's And Children's Clothing |
SIC Code 50-51 Wholesale Companies
This department comprises institutions or places of business mainly engaged in selling goods to retailers, to professional, professional, institutional, farm, building contractors, or professional business users, or to other suppliers, or performing as brokers in purchasing product for or selling product to such individuals or businesses. The main functions of institutions included in Wholesale Trade bring buyer and seller together, and are selling goods to trading institutions, or to professional, professional, institutional, farm, building contractors, or professional business users. Additionally to selling, functions often performed by wholesale establishments comprise keeping inventories of goods, expanding credit, actually building, sorting, and grading goods in large heaps, breaking volume and redistribution in smaller lots, delivery, refrigeration, and numerous kinds of promotion like marketing and label design.
The main types of institutions included are: merchant wholesalers suppliers who acquire title to the goods they sell, like wholesale merchants or jobbers, commercial marketers, Voluntary group of wholesalers, exporters, importers, money and carry wholesalers, drop shippers, truck vendors, retailer cooperative warehouses, terminal elevators, supportive purchasing organizations, and assemblers, buyers or cooperatives engaged in the promotion of farm products. Sales offices and sales branches kept by refining, manufacturing or mining companies aside from their plants or mines for the aim of advertising their products. Brokers, goods or commodity brokers, and fee retailers. Establishments mainly engaged in selling goods to companies, associations, industrial users, or building contractors are contained with a couple of exceptions in Wholesale Trade.
These exceptions are made mandatory due to deal to companies, industrial users, or building contractors and to both the general public for individual or household consumption. These conditions are lumber yards, paint, glass, and wallpaper stores, typewriter stores, stationery stores, and gas service stations that are classified in Retail Commerce, Division G. Nevertheless, establishments that sell comparable products only to industrial users, associations, and establishments that sell goods for use solely by business institutions or to other suppliers are categorized in Wholesale Trade. Establishments mainly engaged in selling such products as used car components, electric supplies, pipes equipment, and business furniture are categorized in Wholesale Trade, even when a higher percentage of their sales are made at people for household use. Establishments mainly engaged in the wholesale supply of products that are used are categorized on the foundation of the products sold.
The main types of institutions included are: merchant wholesalers suppliers who acquire title to the goods they sell, like wholesale merchants or jobbers, commercial marketers, Voluntary group of wholesalers, exporters, importers, money and carry wholesalers, drop shippers, truck vendors, retailer cooperative warehouses, terminal elevators, supportive purchasing organizations, and assemblers, buyers or cooperatives engaged in the promotion of farm products. Sales offices and sales branches kept by refining, manufacturing or mining companies aside from their plants or mines for the aim of advertising their products. Brokers, goods or commodity brokers, and fee retailers. Establishments mainly engaged in selling goods to companies, associations, industrial users, or building contractors are contained with a couple of exceptions in Wholesale Trade.
These exceptions are made mandatory due to deal to companies, industrial users, or building contractors and to both the general public for individual or household consumption. These conditions are lumber yards, paint, glass, and wallpaper stores, typewriter stores, stationery stores, and gas service stations that are classified in Retail Commerce, Division G. Nevertheless, establishments that sell comparable products only to industrial users, associations, and establishments that sell goods for use solely by business institutions or to other suppliers are categorized in Wholesale Trade. Establishments mainly engaged in selling such products as used car components, electric supplies, pipes equipment, and business furniture are categorized in Wholesale Trade, even when a higher percentage of their sales are made at people for household use. Establishments mainly engaged in the wholesale supply of products that are used are categorized on the foundation of the products sold.