List of Transportation and Public Utilities Companies in United States
If you are looking for list of transportation and utilities companies in USA, our company database contains massive detailed and quality business information from SIC Code 40-49. Our transportation and public utilities company data has over 801,672 business records equipped with contact info such as Business Name, Phone, Address, Website, Revenue, Employee Size, City, State, etc. Our team only provides the most recent company information to help you connect with these businesses. The data can be opened via Microsoft Excel so you can easily sort, print, export and edit the listings.
US Transportation and Public Utilities Companies Database Features:
Total Records: 801,672
File Type: CSV / XLS Country: United States Delivery: Download Includes all 51 US States Database Cross Checked via:
Data Usage: Sales Leads, Telemarketing, Business Directory Creation, Prospecting, Research, Offline and Online Marketing, Partnerships and other B2b related purposes. Note: This data is included when you purchase our US Company Database. If you are interested in purchasing this database, kindly please visit our PURCHASE page. |
Database Fields(if available):
Below are the business categories or SIC Code 40-49 description that is included in our company data.
Air Courier Services
Air Transportation, Nonscheduled Air Transportation, Scheduled Airports, Flying Fields, And Services Bus Charter Service, Except Local Bus Terminal And Service Facilities Cable And Other Pay Television Services Communication Services, Nec Courier Services, Except By Air Crude Petroleum Pipelines Deep Sea Domestic Transportation Of Freight Deep Sea Foreign Transportation Of Freight Deep Sea Passenger Transportation Electric And Other Services Combined Electric Services Farm Product Warehousing And Storage Ferries Freight Transportation Arrangement Freight Transportation On The Great Lakes Gas And Other Services Combined Gas Production And/Or Distribution |
Gas Transmission And Distribution
General Warehousing And Storage Inspection And Fixed Facilities Intercity And Rural Bus Transportation Irrigation Systems Local And Suburban Transit Local Bus Charter Service Local Passenger Transportation, Nec Local Trucking With Storage Local Trucking, Without Storage Marinas Marine Cargo Handling Natural Gas Distribution Natural Gas Transmission Packing And Crating Passenger Transportation Arrangement Pipelines, Nec Radio Broadcasting Stations Radiotelephone Communication Railroads, Line-Haul Operating Refined Petroleum Pipelines Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage |
Refuse Systems
Rental Of Railroad Cars Sanitary Services, Nec School Buses Sewerage Systems Special Warehousing And Storage Steam And Air-Conditioning Supply Switching And Terminal Services Taxicabs Telegraph And Other Communications Telephone Communication, Except Radio Television Broadcasting Stations Tour Operators Towing And Tugboat Service Transportation Services, Nec Travel Agencies Trucking Terminal Facilities Trucking, Except Local U.S. Postal Service Water Passenger Transportation Water Supply Water Transportation Of Freight Water Transportation Services |
SIC Code 40-49 Transportation and Public Utilities Companies
This department includes companies offering, to the public or to other business enterprises, individual and cargo transport, communications services, or electricity, gasoline, steam, water and sanitary services, and all organizations of the US Postal Service. For a lot of the businesses in this department, the organizations have workers, actions, and actual facilities distributed over a comprehensive geographic area. For this department, the organization is represented by a fairly permanent office, shop, station, terminal, or a warehouse, etc. That's either directly accountable for supervising such tasks or the foundation from which employees run to carry out these actions. A lot of the businesses are engaged in various tasks that were associated.
For instance, institutions of utility businesses, and communications, pipeline comprise various pumping, tasks, like power generation, transmission, and distribution. Establishments mainly engaged in such actions are classified in this department. The organizations classified in this office furnish services to the public or to other business enterprises, organizations which furnish services that are similar only to other institutions the same company are categorized as ancillary to units or the organizations of the enterprise that they serve.
Nevertheless, individual establishments mainly engaged in pipeline transport, stevedoring, water transfer, or long distance trucking are classified based on their action rather than as auxiliaries, despite the fact that they serve only institutions of the same business.
For instance, institutions of utility businesses, and communications, pipeline comprise various pumping, tasks, like power generation, transmission, and distribution. Establishments mainly engaged in such actions are classified in this department. The organizations classified in this office furnish services to the public or to other business enterprises, organizations which furnish services that are similar only to other institutions the same company are categorized as ancillary to units or the organizations of the enterprise that they serve.
Nevertheless, individual establishments mainly engaged in pipeline transport, stevedoring, water transfer, or long distance trucking are classified based on their action rather than as auxiliaries, despite the fact that they serve only institutions of the same business.